Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Today I thought I would share some of my little interior redesign ideas.  I was trying to think of some fun ways to decorate my Children's playroom. So after much research via Google. I took some game boards i had. Framed theme with Wood floor planks that my Husband & Father In Law cut for me, they are glued and stapled in the corners, I spray painted them bright fun Colors. Now they hang in their play room. If you are able to find  a thicker frame or Box frame you can store  the games pieces on the back by placing them in plastic baggies. Mine are not deep enough but they look great.
                                           Sponge Bob Square pants "Sorry" game (Blue)

                                           Dora the Explorer "CandyLand" game (Yellow)

Disney Monopoly game (Red)

Happy Crafting Everyone! 

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